Ball mills to obtain calcium carbonate

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Uses of calcium carbonate

It is one of the most used industrial minerals. It can appear as limestone, calcite, or marble. It is a universal filler for the paper, plastic, paint, rubber and cosmetic industry. These uses require ultrafine grinding. It is also used as a component in construction materials, for example mortars, here it is not necessary so low finesse.
Ball mills to obtain calcium carbonate

For ultrafine applications ANIVI proposes the use of ball mills, which will normally be lined with steel or rubber, the grinding load will be steel. From the mill, the product passes through a classifier with an air circuit, which allows to adjust the granulometry without having to stop the installation. The entire installation may be in an open or closed circuit, which basically includes: a ball mill, a high-efficiency classifier, a cyclone, a fan and a bag filter. With our facilities we can obtain a wide range of granulometries, but for this product the most common are cuts between 5 and 15 microns.

Ball mills to obtain calcium carbonate

Grinding and Classification Plants

For calcium carbonate

When such fine particle sizes are not needed, we use pendulum mill technology, ideal for semi-hard and non-abrasive minerals, the mill incorporates a highly efficient dynamic classifier with which we can vary the granulometry without stopping the installation and from the control panel. These facilities are designed to allow simultaneous drying, when the humidity of the product so requires, thus greatly reducing production costs.

With our equipment we can obtain a wide range of granulometries, but for this product the most common are 35 to 200 microns.

New developments allow ANIVI to offer cuts of less than 5 microns, and medium particles below 2 microns, constituting an important advance in the performance of the material.

Drying Plants

For calcium carbonate

In many cases, and due to its extraction process or its handling, calcium carbonate and its other forms, such as limestone or calcite, contain moisture that makes subsequent processes difficult. For this situation ANIVI offers rotary dryers, either fixed or modular that enable the elimination of this humidity preparing the limestone or calcite for its next uses.

Depending on the particle size, ANIVI engineers select the most suitable technologies, maintaining an environment free of dust and particle emissions.

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