Air and Gases

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Air and Gases

Centrifugal fans, bag filters, cyclones and systems to keep clean air.

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Air and Gases
Within the Air and Gases Division, our team of engineers studies the process conditions and the gases to be treated to design and manufacture the most suitable equipment for each situation.

ANIVI designs and manufactures these elements with the latest available technologies and with the most suitable materials for each occasion, achieving maximum efficiency and precision in the machines supplied.

Permanent contact with the client and the study of their particular case, allows ANIVI to offer customized and tailored solutions in the field of air management industry.


Clean Air Solutions for Industry

Centrifugal Fans

Centrifugal Fans

Air and Gases
ANIVI has been a manufacturer of centrifugal fans for the industry for almost 70 years. During this time, ANIVI has been able to adapt to its fans all the innovations that the technique has offered, generating at this time a great deal of knowledge and great versatility in all applications where precise and reliable air handling is required.

ANIVI has supplied fans to all sectors of the industry such as fertilizers, naval industry, power generation, petrochemicals, steel industry, paper industry, etc.

Air and Gases
Air and Gases
Bag filters

Bag filters

Air and Gases
ANIVI installed its first bag filter in the 1940s, being one of the first firms to introduce it, and researching and developing countless solutions since then.


It offers a wide variety of designs, sizes and combinations to adjust to the specific needs of the user, studying each equipment to be profitable in its initial investment and reliable in its operation.

Air and Gases
Air and Gases


Centrifugal dust collection is the most versatile and simplest of all existing systems.


With endless design possibilities from the single cyclone to multi-cyclones, with different materials and dimensions depending on the needs.

Air and Gases
Air and Gases
Emission reduction and control

Humid, semi-humid, dry and gas desadification

The increasingly demanding environmental regulation and social pressure towards cleaner environments make the management and control of emissions increasingly necessary. In this environment ANIVI is able to offer innovative and efficient solutions for the industry. Apart from the equipment mentioned in other sections, scrubbers and absorbers, acid gas neutralization systems, and dioxin and furan removal can also be supplied.

Advantages of choosing ANIVI

Turnkey plants

ANIVI designs, manufactures and installs treatment plants, with the best available technology, providing solutions to the client requirements.

Customized solutions

ANIVI facilities are adapted to customer specifications. The solution design is always adapted to the circumstances of each client.

High performance

ANIVI’s experience in technologies and their staff capacity ensure high-performance solutions and a long useful life.


At ANIVI we make maintenance services available to clients to attend any incident that might arise in our equipment, always offering the best assistance in the shortest time possible.

Research and Testing Laboratory

ANIVI has a laboratory with suitable test equipment to determine the process variables of the equipment it manufactures.[/et_font_size]

Pilot plant

For semi-industrial tests, ANIVI has a pilot plant where it is possible to anticipate the results to be obtained in an industrial plant.

Historical Files and References

ANIVI keeps in its records a documentary collection with all its projects carried out to evaluate and compare technical data with new designs and references.


With all these means ANIVI is able to guarantee the best yields and the best profits of the plants it manufactures.

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